Hi All, I sure have missed writing, but I'm back. I will be tweaking the layout here so it is more reader friendly, and more importantly... focusing on JUST THREE TOPICS which are important to me and I believe go together nicely. These topics encompass many aspects of our lives.
- Cooking From Scratch (inclusive of all foods we prepare) with RECIPES
- Old- Fashioned Family Life... in the Ever Evolving 21st Century
- Kitchen Gardening
I'd like this web-blog to be for everyone and anyone who wishes to read it. It's mostly my compilation of thoughts on today's family life; recipes already tested and tweaked for you with photos and perhaps quotes (I'm a big fan)
Though I also I hope it will someday be a written and visual journey of family life and authentic cook-book for my children to pass onto their own.
However, I am writing it to 'all readers'. It is my hope you may find it enticing enough to follow along. Together we will journey thru this incredible life... always giving thanks for the blessings bestowed upon us, looking for the good in the world, the good in people, and our everyday living.
I was a journalism , then communications major in college; so you wouldn't think I would have stopped reading newspapers years ago! I follow along via internet on important stories but I try to block out the negative and sensationalized stories. The stories 'so-called' newspeople write 'to sell papers'... no matter how negative and disturbing the story might be. I plan for this web journal t be a complete contradiction to the newspapers of today. If you considered life to be what you see on the news; it would be a depressing sight indeed. However, the truth is this world we live in is the complete opposite, if you take each day and look at it in a positive light. You must look around and find the good; it is there... every day, everywhere. You just have to slow down a bit, open your eyes and heart; and then, only then, will you clearly see the world the way we are supposed to. A world that is filled with goodness, kindness & love. The world the way it is supposed be viewed.
My children may never be interested in ready this, I know but I write with pleasure hoping to inspire someone, some where. Whether it be stories of kindness; helping others in small ways (it does make a difference); or cooking from scratch; baking breads, gardening (then sharing). This not only gives you joy but you are passing on this goodness to so many others as well. Anything to make the world a friendlier place.
All that being said, you might as well ignore posts prior to today Many, though not all, pertain to my Vintage Collectibles shop. I closed Footbridge Cove last March, after six wonderful years, but now is the time in my life to focus on other priorities. I won't delete those posts though, in case someone is interested in something that was written before the renewing of this journal-blog.
All that being said, you might as well ignore posts prior to today Many, though not all, pertain to my Vintage Collectibles shop. I closed Footbridge Cove last March, after six wonderful years, but now is the time in my life to focus on other priorities. I won't delete those posts though, in case someone is interested in something that was written before the renewing of this journal-blog.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving filled with love.
~ garden chef (Cathy)
~ garden chef (Cathy)