Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sown seeds to tiny transplants...

To see additional photos, plus read text on photos, please see out facebook album Gardening 2010
(Cathy Collins on facebook)
 Friend us while there.

After a wonderful day of transplanting...

Now let's go back to the beginning... from sowed seed (3/8/10) to leggy seedlings (3/28/10). These sweet lil' tranplants need TLC due to our flood, cold basement & too long before transplant. We'll shower them with love & watch most of them grow. Sowing more seeds today. (Lost most all of the lettuce!)

First sowing Mar 8, 2010 with great enthusiasm and care. Then came the Northeast flood (see our facebook photos album 'Milton Underwater') and now... believe it or not we are expecting another heavy rain storm to flood for the next two days! These seedlings should have been cared for more closely: with watering, grow lights, and basement temperature. I finally moved them upstairs and transplanted yesterday (Mar 28, 2010) about a week later than I should have. This resulted in leggier seedlings than I wanted. I buried stems deeply. Lost a full tray of lettuce but surprisingly saved approx 150 plants. Now if even half of them make it I'll be thrilled! I have a small plot at home ~ approx 100 sq ft!  Though I hope to take part in our community VICTORY GARDEN assuming a spot opens for me (lottery). I should know within two weeks. So...I may be giving lots and lots of plants away if I don't get a Victory Garden slot, but no complaints. The joy from grardening, far outweighs the frustrations. And giving plants as gifts pleases me so.

Sowing more seeds today. Have moved my indoor greenhouse from basement (too cold) to living room (haha). Follow along on our blog as we journey thru this wonderful gardening season!

Sneak peek of my plan (hope)...
my apprentice, as shown in photo, suggested we paint our dilapitated metal wheelbarrow hot pink and use as a planter!  I thought why not!!!! Will do so, it will be whimsical and hopefully the entire barrow will be filled with overflowing basil plants. Pkus I can follow the sun around when needed!  I will harvest thruout the entire summer, making pesto as I go. An entire years worth of pesto to be frozen for when needed ... delectable! Follow along on our journey, this is just the beginning.

Trying to post an album of seedlings to date may have to post individually if I can't figure it out. Album is currently posted on my facebook profile CATHY COLLINS. Please friend me on fb as well.

1 comment:

816vintage said...

I love it, beautiful and inspiring!