Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Help Pollinate Your Tomato Plants - Vegetable Gardener

Help Pollinate Your Tomato Plants - Vegetable Gardener

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1 comment:

Cathy Collins said...

MUST REMEMBER TO DO! "Whatever the deal is, you can actually help your tomato plant set more fruit this season by showing it some tactile love. You just take the flowering branches and give them a gentile shake. The pollen will drop from the stamen of the flower onto the pistil.

There's no magic number of times you should shake your tomato plants; you just sort of wing it. Gardeners usually do it two or three times a day to ensure good pollination. Left alone, the wind would shake the blossoms, as would the fluttering of bees' wings. But, gardeners everywhere swear that they harvest higher fruit yields with this simple technique."